I was playing Geometry Wars again and the concept of input/output really struck me. I felt it was illustrated with such clarity when I was playing the game.
INPUT: The crowd of shapes on the screen and the sound effects of the game.
OUTPUT: The position of the two joysticks and the possibility of pressing a button.
Now the really important part is between those two things, that part being myself. I am going to ignore all the sensing parts of myself and my mechanical bits. Those are superficial to what I am trying to explain and understand.
At a certain point the information gets from my eyes into my brain. In my brain the visual image and sound must lead into something like a GeometryWars{} function (for all those who are programmin savy).
What I mean by GeometryWars{} function is a well constructed Neural Web that can take the visual information, the short term memory information from a few moments ago, process it all through the neurons and output the new joystick positions.
What is really important about how I am making this analogy is that it is a really well formed neuron structure probably filled with numerous pathways and the like.
Now in my brain, my GeometryWars{} function must be pretty good and efficient. It is probably really small and compact and short but with really strong pathways. It probably is really well focused in that it only has the correct visual and auditory inputs and outputs and doesn't have any wires crossed with other parts of my brain. All of that leads to me being in the top 500 players on earth.
But there is something else. When I play Geometry Wars, I get the feeling that the GeometryWars{} function is self sustaining and needs no attention from my consciousness. I don't need to focus on the game in the slightest and simply let my mind wander and think (that is where this whole idea came from).
Now to bring this idea into a broader context. Consider my Drawing{} function. I look at a 3d object in the real world and output hand movements which create an image in 2d.
AnalyticalFilmEssay{} function: This is one I am currently working on. I watch a movie (over and over) and output an essay that analyzes it.
Driving{}: Use visual information through a car window to determine steering wheel and pedal positions.
Conversation{}: listen(hopefully) output words vocally
MusicImprov{}: Input is the other musicians music who you are playing with, output is more music.
FilmAnimation{}: Get an assignment, output a film. I'm still in this process.
BlogPost{}: Input life, output blogposts.
Kyler Kelly