Anonymous said...

oooh pretty :P


Anonymous said...

you know what we obviously need steve? .....

an i-hate-kyler-club-fan-club!

it will be revolutionary! ....join me steven, it is your destiny. Become my apprentice and learn to use the fangirl side of the force...

-darth tiff

Anonymous said...

To Steve, the only other I-hate-kyler-club-*official*-fan-club member:

hmmm... two fan lords IS pretty revolutionary.... great idea tiff. *hig fives self* :p

k we have to be all fangirly to kyler and send him fanmail and go see him in only a towel to get his attention (in light of the recent harry potter... if you've hear about that fiasco lol)

-Darth Tiff

P.s. start thinking up banner ideas :P