Art Science Business Religion

Art is my business.

Science is my religion.

Somethings are more authoritative
when you don't try to back them up.



Erucolindo said...

your best post to date..

Mory said...

Ah, your first 74! :P

Kyler said...

I've done a search of the internet, and can't understand the meaning of 74.

(continued searching)

I found that a search of 74 on your blog brings up all the very short posts. This makes sense, except of course I don't know why you chose the number 74.


Mory said...

Oh, I thought you would've noticed by now that all the short posts are entitled "74". The title is fitting because it's surprisingly short and bizarrely random, like the posts, and like the posts, it has sentimental value for me. (74's my favorite number.)

Sorry to lead you on a wild internet search; it really doesn't mean any more than those three things.