I am writing this blog entry using a cool program that I found on the internet. It is called dasher and it is a program that lets you type without akeyboard. It is really hard to explain so just try it. Ipromise that nothing bad will happen.
In other news, I think today had the most unlucky weather ever because the moment that we left school to walk to the train it started to rain. It wasn't really that bad just really unlucky.
Today I think that I have finally got to understand why calculus is so cool.
And finnally I think I think that I have overcome my Halo loseing streak. I think that it may have been that I was not in the right mindset to win, but alter thinking more positively and actually believing that I could win, I did and it is great. For anyone who wants to try out the program I was talking about go to http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/ and download it.
Woa Dasher is insane! It's pretty fun but sucks for making weird starwars words lol ^^.
-Darth Tiff
You can type any word, and after a while the program will learn them to type them easily. So it is better then normal typing because it learns.
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