Happy to have found a subject :Animation

Finally after alot of thinking about what to do for my extended essay, I have found a subject.

Visual Arts : Animation

I will be able to an analysis of some sort of animation. Possibly a specific movie, or artist.
Not exactly sure how I will do everything, but I think this will work really well. I don't even know who could be my teacher advisor. I might just have to have Mr. Kelly do it if he can't find anybody.

I found a link with all of the subject material for the extended essays.



Anonymous said...

SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM.... hah i beat you steven :P Lol , ky you always do animation :P

Anonymous said...

to steven :P

lol oh man.... every other time you beat me i've been busy doing......nothing.....


Anonymous said...

Kyler! I love your photos. I'm going to start reading this blog regularly.

And you better take a look at Dear Lady Cooper!
