7 hours

That is the limit of the time I can work during a day. Today I started at 10 and went till 5. At 5 I tried to do more but everything I wrote really sucked. And this has actually happened twice now, where I couldn't keep going at 5 oclock. This wasn't even full straight work, I had been taking breaks, but know I know exaclty how much work I can do in a day.



Anonymous said...

Steven (insert last name) Spartan of Homework. Very catchy.

Lol, I can't do more than about three hours kyler :P You're pretty pro :D

-Le tiff

Anonymous said...

lol what's your last name? perhaps I shall make you a pin.


Anonymous said...

lol awesome! nakul was like "steven didn't get the meaning of it at all", but i hope it's still awesome lol :P