
When I moved into res, I actually didn't move into res. For the first week our hallway was put up in a hotel across the street because our rooms hadn't been finished. For that week I had a temporary roommate, his name was Stuart. We got off to a bad start when I pulled out my MacBook Pro and he pegged me for a typical art student.

I attempted to prove that I wasn't by answering his choice of computer relate question. I think it was something about L4 cache. I got it right. We could be friends.

We went on a residence organize trip to La Ronde amusement park. And one of the first things we discussed that day (we discussed many things as we mostly stood in lines for roller coasters) was Meyers-Briggs personality typing. He had been trying to peg down what type I was based on the very few things he had known about me.

He guessed INFP based on the fact that I had put my luggage near the edge of the room, the fact I wear converse shoes and somethings I can't remember. He was fairly close, but he was off.

I am actually an INTJ. Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Jugding. It is a binary system in which each of the four options has 2 options. You can however score more strongly, such as being strongly introverted, or weakly extroverted. I've taken online tests twice with the same results, but I think the most telling sign was simply reading the descriptions I have found online.

It always seems eerily accurate when I read it.

At first I felt resistant to this whole type of system. But as I have been living with it, I'm starting to feel how it is useful information to know. It makes discussing things related to other people easier and somethings just seem to make a startling amount of sense.

Well after that week in the hotel, Stuart and I are now good friends. We often play chess and Smash Brothers. He is an INTP and the difference always seems rather clear ( perception VS judgment).

Here is the test if you are interested. I don't really feel a need to explain all of this as it is much better explained on the links I have given.



Nick said...

Kyler...I'm an INTJ too!

Rob said...

I was a little skeptical, but it DOES give an eerily good description of me...

I am as ESFJ.