I think I am starting a new project. For some reason I actually think I started this project once before, but it never got going.
I'm going to go through human anatomy in 3d. Piece by piece until the whole human figure is complete. I'll start really easily, with just bones. But as I get further, I will rig the bones together so that they move as one. And than model the muscles. And hopefully rig those as well.
I get the feeling that if I can model the human body in 3d, from the inside out, not just a thin outside shell, I will end up with something.
I am doing it simply in 3d, with polygons. Nothing smooth. I will see how much can be said with polygons because they have intention. If I let things get smoothed, everything I put in will get glossed over by an algorithm.
Magicians should only reveal their tricks when the trick itself is beautiful. I'm not really sure what parts of the 3d modelling process are beautiful. I started with a cube and added loops of division. I pushed and pulled the new points that I had created in space to adhere to the surface of the bone I had in mind. I spin the model in the computer, and as it moves I am able to see the 3d shape of it even though it is a two dimensional image on the screen.
The 3d shape begins to feel more and more real as I increase the detail and precision of the model.
Here is the first femur.
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