Ballet Adagio

Based off of the film Ballet Adagio by Norman McLaren. I'm warming up my drawing skills for a film based on the circus. This is ballet, but I think this is the type of bodies that I will need to be animating and designing.
 Making these drawings was a test of my digital drawing techniques. I feel like it is a challenge for the future to learn to draw digitally as well as I was able to draw with physical pen and paper.

It is easy to assume that once you have a digital tablet that it is a one to one skill that transfers to digital work.
 From my experience this is not true to a number of reasons.

The first is just that the feeling of drawing on a tablet is different than paper. The glass of the tablet is slick compared to paper. You can't feel the end of your drawing tool vibrate as it move along the surface. This vibration actually tells you a lot about the movement of the pen. Try drag a pencil along glass and than along paper. There is a huge difference. You can actually feel the movement of the pen on the paper.

The next problem is a minor distance lag between the image of the drawing and the physical end of the drawing tool on a tablet. I have found a solution to this by have a very visible cursor icon on the tablet and than paying very close attention to it's actually position. In this way, drawing is much like painting in that you have to track the ever moving bristle of the brush and not just the handle of the brush.

The next problems is software. It is always getting in the way. I am reading a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. The premise of the book is that the right-side of the brain needs to take over for good drawing to occur. This is the non-verbal, non-systematic, non-symbolic part of the brain. It is everything that is opposite of computers. The moment that you need to read something, or choose a folder or open a menu or doing anything to do with language and computer function, you lose the right side of your brain, and you lose much of your ability to draw.

To overcome this, when drawing on the computer, you need to have your software set and well figured out before hand. Learn the shortcuts and buttons that you need and learn them well. If you don't,you will be force back into the left side of your brain and will be unable to tap into the part of your brain that make art.

Getting into the flow of art is difficult on the computer. I'm going to be looking more and more into this topic, and I think it could be a major part of computer development in the future. A company who made computers and software for artists, who understood this concept of getting into the zone could be very successful. Imagine being able to flip a switch and suddenly your computer would be unable to interfere with you right brain. It would turn off all language, all access to technical systems and only give you access to tools that let you create.

And once things were created, you could revert back to the text zone and reorganize everything that you have made.

That might be a great idea.


1 comment:

DorChi said...

This is so amazing! A symphony to the eye!