
I realized after reading this article on computer programming, why I've always enjoyed programming and why I enjoy many of the things I do.

What is programming?

The pointed expressed in the article is that the key to programming is knowing how to do something. It is not simply being able to do something.

It is actually not necessary to be able to do anything, it is only important to understand how to do something.

I find myself always becoming extremely enthused about how to do something. I will go to the ends of the earth, or the internet, to find out how to do something. But once that is figured out, and simply the doing is left over I generally become more interested in my next search.

After thinking about this idea in relation to my goal of becoming an animator, I am actually very optimistic that I have made a good choice of careers. Animation is really a question of how. How am I going to make the characters move. How am I going to make a computer make characters visually. How am I going to make this story work. And most of those questions are only answered once the final product is finished. So once I have finished what I am currently working on, there will be little need to worry about the simple fact of doing, since the final product can really be found at the end.


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