Lego Sorting

My friend Stuart brought some of his Lego to residence. He got some boxes to store it in. Obviously, it needed to be sorted into said boxes. The process of sorting consisted of starting with a large pile, and separating them into the categories of regular block, flat block, mechanical piece, or appearance enhancing piece.

Now the process of sorting made a natural phenomena exceedingly clear. Imagine that the pieces were some sort of animal, and the sorting process was the hunt. What became apparent was that there were strong evolutionary forces at work. First the large bright pieces got sorted. There were only small pieces left, and then there was a majority of black pieces. And pieces that were difficult to classify became numerous.

By the end we had found the most difficult to sort Lego piece. It was a small brown Lego Man gun that was the same color as the floor.

Now we all know about evolution. But rarely do we see it so clearly.

Over the next few blog posts I am going to continue to discuss evolution, and how I am beginning to understand that Universal Evolution is the fundamental force that is driving everything in the universe. From human evolution, to design, to physics, I think evolution is the fundamental algorithm in understand everything.


1 comment:

Sarah v.s. said...

But is it cyclical or linear? Or something else?