The Creativity Recipe

I was looking at this website for a design school. My brother was pointing out how it represents a trend where design is becoming much more mainstream as a field to be educated in. If you look around the site you will see all sorts of people being creative and doing creative things.

The images on the website consist of people working in groups, using post it notes, tons and tons of diagrams representing things. It all looks immensely creative.

And then I looked at this. It is the school's manifesto.

But written on a napkin.

But it isn't just written on a napkin. The real story behind this image was that there was a whole design process that was going on where they designed the manifesto. There was surely a lot of meetings to figure out what the school was all about and what they want to do. And then they had to design how it would be written on the napkin, and find the person with the best handwriting. And then they had to find a photographer and but it next to a cup of coffee because that is what creative people drink, and good ideas come up at the coffee shop.

So what the napkin actually tells me is that these people simply want to appear creative. They used a cliche to represent how creative they are.

The whole website just seems like lots of talk, and I think that is what a lot of art, design and everything is, a lot of talk.

So I guess I'd better get out and do something or else I will be a hypocrite.


1 comment:

Frood Bird said...

also, the way the napkin is tilted indicates the person writing it is left-handed, because, you know, lefties are more creative...