Cleaning House

I sometimes start draft blog posts when I think I have a good idea to write about, but don't have the time or the energy to actually write the posts. Except I lose interest in them. So right now I am going to clear a few out.

The Ship of Theseus

This is quite an interesting concept to think about. If over a long period of time, ever piece of ship is replaced, is it still the same ship.

Suppose you have a knife which you like, and then replace the blade when it wears out. But later the handle wears out and you replace that as well. Is it still the same knife?

I think there are two distinctly different approaches to this question. From a very physical perspective, the answer is obvious. No, the materials have been replaced, so it is not the same object.

Yet over my lifetime, the materials of my body will be replaced many times, yet I still am myself.

The question can be seen from the perspective of concepts and ideas, and forms. A ship can include the idea of its own repair. The idea and design of the ship is what will live on. And I think this idea is much more powerful if you understand it. It reflects a truth about life, that there is more to stuff than the matter that makes it up. There is the form behind the matter that is really important.

I guess without knowing it this little discussing links nicely into my next nearly lost topic.

Formalism and Memetic Transfer

Formalism is a way of interpreting art for only its formal qualities, not its content. Thus you look carefully at the fact that paintings are flat, and not what they represent. You look at the techniques of film without ever knowing what is going on in the story.

Sometimes this leads to really shallow evaluations of work, if you only consider the formal aspects.

However, if you think about it in terms of memetics, formalism is an attempt to understand what are the underlying means through which memes and be transferred. I almost find formalism as a search for the bare minimum amount of communication which will still allow for the full transfer and effect of a meme.

Suppose we look at the example of film. There is a big different when you look at the difference between watching a 35mm projection of a film in a nice theater, and watching it on your computer through Youtube. The 35mm projection will allow for a much greater impact, and allow the audience to pay greater attention, thus allowing more powerful memes to spread. Youtube on the other hand is easily accessible to a large audience quickly, yet the memes will lack any long standing power, other than the number of memes.

I'm not sure if I have actually been making a good reference to formalism with what I have just said, but I suspect I am on the right track.

Dubai Sad Story

Here an interesting article to read about the state of Dubai.

After reading the article, you really feel bad about all the stuff that is happening there, and you really feel like something needs to be done to stop it. But the sad fact is that is what is pretty much happening everywhere on earth, the only reason that we don't feel so bad about it is because there is so much seperation from the pollution, slavery and poverty, and those of us who have the advantages gained from such conditions.

I don't have much else to say, other than that it is wrong to think these problems only exist in Dubai.

Organized Blood Donation

Last and least, I gave blood a few weeks ago. It is quite interesting how well designed the blood donation system is. Whether it is how they ask you about your history, or they give you a chance to with completely anonymity get rid of your blood if you suspect it might be bad. They know that a volunteer talking to you is important if you are giving for the first time. It was nice to see a process that was so particularly well thought.

Ok, those topics are all cleared up.

I've been thinking the blog needs to be revitalized with some new life soon, so maybe this summer expect some changes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Changes eh? Maybe you could make videos of your blogs. See, it's now MY idea since you haven't told anyone about it yet. -Z