Drawing and Animating

I just realized that I made a fairly severe error and have made the same error before. I was trying to animate something which I couldn't draw.

Sure maybe I could draw it once or twice, and get it pretty much right, but that is by no means good enough to animate. You should be able to draw something from everything angle from almost memory before you start animating.

All I have been able to do because of this is make myself frustrated with my skill. I was thinking I wasn't good enough, when in actual fact I had simply chosen the wrong things to draw. I need to start designing my characters within the realm of my drawing ability that allows me to draw for animation.

I can't draw for sketch, use those sketches as a starting point to animation. Those sketches need to be converted and simplified into something that I completely understand, in which there are no unknowns in my mind, which I can draw for animation.

Next time I will have to take this advice to heart. I still don't know how badly the stuff I was working on turned out, so maybe I don't need to be so hard on myself. But I need to fundamentally shift my attitude towards drawing and animation because they are controlling me, instead of me controlling them.



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