Today the Halo tournament was cancelled. It had been going on for a week and a half, we were doing really well. We had a very good chance of winning. But no, it had to be cancelled.
The adminstration finally decided that it was an inappropriate fundraiser for the rugby team. Well isn't rugby violent? Didn't I sign a consent form? Won't I play halo anyways? Don't we watch R rated movies in class (fla last year and down fall this year)?
And on further thought on violence in video games:
I'm sure videogames do desensitize us to violence. There is no way that that isn't true. But what is the problem with that. If I am already desensitized to violence, doesn't that mean I won't freak out if violence occurs, I can stay calm, make good decisions and get far out of the way. Being desensitized to violence doesn't cause violence, evil people who don't know what is right and wrong cause violence (maybe not evil, more angry people who are out of control). If a police officer wasn't desensitized to violence, how could he do his job? He would freak out and do something stupid that would hurt more people. In case of emergency, I would rather be like a calm police officer.
Not promoting violence in the least, but desensitizing yourself to violence isn't going to make more violence.
If anybody has any opinions on the violence in videogames, please post your opinion, I would really like to figure out the arguements in this subject.
I agree with steven, people are just looking for someone/thing to blame.
ooh me. up there
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