What happened today

I started doing some animation on my movie and found that even though some of the process of creating an animated walk has been automated, it will take me just as long to finish, because I will spend the extra time making it look even better then ever before.

Also, today, I had no real school. First I had spare, and then ELA, but we went to the pep rally (I am now completely full of pep, and I am proud of my contribution to Rusky the husky intro video (a small amount of animation)), and then I had 2 spares in the afternoon (I sure hope they were spares or else I was skipping.

And finally, during my homework, I tried the (10+2)*5 method of working (mention in one of my diggs). Which means working 10 mins, doing something else 2 mins. If done five times, it will take an hour. I did some social homework and chem studying, and watched tiny bits of Spirited Away for my breaks (also as research for my extented essay). I feel as though my rate of work didn't lag off during the how time like it might have due to boredom. Therefore, I will conclude that it was a success, and will try it again in the coming days (and report any more findings).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol i'm proud of you for watching spirited away between working-ness :D

The (10+2)*5 sounds really interesting. I'm going to try it, epecially since my attention span is like... 5mins....