Another self portrait

After having done 2 other self portraits, I wanted to do something a little different in painting tomorrow. Here is the reference that I will be using in painting tomorrow. Hopefully an actually painting will be posted shortly.


After humanities today, I think I convinced myself how pratical and possible it could be, to be both an atheist, yet also believe in god. (belief defined very vaguely as being something that you should at least imagine existing once and a while)

Hopefully no one is offended by my vagueness.



msydor said...

The self portrait is ideal. It is undeniably you. As for the belief system: extremely practical. Cover all your bases, just in case you wind up at those pearly gates. :P

Kyler said...

To help clarify, I know the pearly gates don't exist, yet it might be benificial to believe they exist.

(I was listening to the I heart Hukabees audio commentary, which could explain all this exitensial thinking)

And nice job with the bold.