Animated Postcard

The theme that we have been assigned for our long term project this year in animation is animated postcard.

What I am currently seeing that as is:

Something Brief
About Being Somewhere
To People You Care About

That was supposed to be three separate points, but they sure fit together nicely as a phrase.

The main thing that I really need to figure out about the above formula is the About Being Somewhere. I know exactly where that somewhere is, it is Montreal, because that is where I am now, and I won't even try fighting the autobiographical tendencies of all art.

If we look back at how I get to know a place, and even how I leave a place, then we should remember that I observe where I am newly arrived and where I am soon leaving. Generally that is done by walking around, looking, listening. It is never very complicated, I generally don't interact on such excursions.

So I'm really not sure what the animated thing I will make will be, but it will probably all taken from life here in Montreal, however I can manage that.


It is interesting to note that this post was made not with the blog itself in mind, but the blog is actually acting as a tool with which I can put my ideas through. I have to type things clearly enough for everyone else to understand, which means later I too will understand. This works much better than me trying to write things down in actual journal form (physical or virtual).

1 comment:

Frood Bird said...

i hope you post the postcard when you're done! i always liked your animation...