Foiled by Vista again

The best thing about running windows vista is that it truly puts my detective skills to the test.

I've been running Photoshop, and it has always been getting really laggy on me. I had all my settings set so that I would get the best performance out of my computer. The main setting that does this is "desktop composition". What this really means is "do you want windows to run in 3d or 2d mode". Obviously the 2d mode runs faster.

Except I discovered in the case of Photoshop. Somehow the 2d mode messes with Photoshop in a such a way that it makes it lag. Therefore to increase the quality of my Photoshop experience, I had to do the counter intuitive choice of reducing my overall performance.

In the end everything has worked out fairly well, but windows truly is annoying. Whenever I get really frustrated with it, I usually end up rebooting back into the Mac side of the computer and everything just "works" (except of course most of the stuff I do only works on my windows side).

It is becoming more and more apparent to me what is so appealing about Macs. However they still don't cover a few essential things, 3d programs, videogames, Picasa. Those problems are deal breakers for me and I don't expect them to be fixed any time soon.

I am however fairly satisfied with having a foot in both camps. I feel I'm fairly well prepared to deal with any type of computing issues (except linux, never really tried it).


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